Sunday, December 12, 2010

Today's weight: 123.0

Breakfast: 1 cup frozen blueberries (70), 1 piece light toast w/ I Can't Believe it's Not Butter spray(45), women's vitamin pack (15), (which includes cranberry, fish oil, vitamin D3, calcium, and a multivitamin) =130

Oh god, I might throw up from the iron...Stupid anemia.

Lunch: half a grapefruit (50), yogurt (70), apple (50)(purged :/)

I will probably have low sugar oatmeal for dinner (110)
Or light soup (70ish)
Today's limit will be 400 I think


  1. Your intake sounds amazing. Oh my gosh, do you take liquid iron? When I was younger my mom used to give me that, it's RANCID!
