Thursday, October 28, 2010

"You moved like honey in my dream last night..Yeah, some old fires were burning..You came near to me and you endeared to me..But you couldn't quite discern me."

Last night didn't go as planned. I ate way too much and I didn't even lose anything, so I broke the rules big time.
I've already eaten too much this morning, so I think I'm going to try to eat like "normal" for once, since I might be hanging out with this girl who doesn't know me very well. Also, my bf heard me throwing up in the bathroom, so that made him upset. :(

It's our 8 month anniversary today. I baked him cookies. :)
I'm a bad girlfriend.

I think the real reason I'm going to try and eat normal today is because he said if I don't stop, he's going to start.
And that scares me.  :/

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