Sunday, October 24, 2010

"And I'm afraid I've lost the fight. I'm just a painful reminder, Another day you leave behind.."

Helpless is what I am. Helpless, hopeless, worthless.

I had a dream the other night. In it, there was a girl. She was naked and walking around a room picking clothes up from the floor. Her hair,shiny, was pulled back in a messy updo. She was beautiful, in an eerie way, with sharp bones jutting out from her skin, and a fragile look about her. That girl was me.

Obviously not me at the moment though. Right now pads of grotesque fat cover my stomach, my thighs, my arms. I weighed in 128.4 today. Yuck.

I know it shouldn't be thinking like this. I know that I'm selfish and cruel to the people around me. I know my self-degradation is unfair to the ones who love me.

But I'm helpless, remember?

And I think they're even starting to realize it.


  1. Sorry you're feeling so crap, :/ you've got us though. <3 p.s an oxo cube is like a little vegetable soup/stock type thing but you can drink it on its own for about 10cals. Schweet! X

  2. Wow! They sound amazing! I'll have to order some online or something-lol.

    I've just been going through a hard time.It'll get better though. :)
