Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"This town's alone and therefore, I see no end in sight."

Hey lovelies! Sorry I'm not posting so frequently. I have, however, been posting almost daily at Vitamin S † so check it out if you get the chance..I see that some of you are already following it, so thank you. :)

I'm trying to focus on purging these bad habits rather than my food. I've been eating more fruits and vegetables and haven't been bingeing...however I do still eat junk on a regular basis. :( I've definitely gained weight since I've lessened my purging, so that makes me uneasy, but I feel like eventually I'll be able to cut out all of those processed junk foods completely, or to the point of only having them like once a week or something. Wow that sentence should get an award for being such a run-on ...But yes...my ideal meal plan would consist mostly of fruits and veggies, with slight amounts of legumes and maybe fish for protein...Actually, I'm thinking of becoming vegan again, so no fish, and I'm not really sure why I stopped. Hmmm. I guess it just got too difficult.People gave me a TON of shit for it...which I know, is no reason not to pursue something...but my social anxiety sort of got the best of me. And to be honest, I was craving things like yogurt..haha. Actually, after I stopped my eating disorder kicked in again right away.The guilt from eating animals and their products (and enjoying the tastes) piled on top of the guilt from eating FAT was too much too handle, I suppose.So I went overboard..

But anyway, I guess I'll be done rambling away now and I'll go clean my living quarters.
I hopes you all are doing well!
Stay Strong, beauties!


1 comment:

  1. Hey, sorry I'm getting to this so late, I've been on the road... but I love this post, it sounds so upbeat! You seem to be doing well, and I am glad. Well done cutting back on purging, you'll feel so much better in the long run! xx
