Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Eve was a Bust-Let's Hope it's Not a Bad Omen

"So everybody put your best suit or dress on
Let's make believe that we are wealthy for just this once
Lighting firecrackers off on the front lawn
As thirty dialogs bleed into one."
-The New Year by Death Cab for Cutie

So I pigged out on New Year's. It was pigs in a blanket, chocolate covered pretzels, candy, and pie galore.


This will not happen anymore! I refuse to let it!!

My New Year's Resolutions are as followed:
-Show my Boyfriend that I love him more often
-Reach 115 pounds.
-Read a book every month- January's is Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver
- Pass My Freshman Year with a 4.0 gpa.
-CEASE the b/p cycle

Furthermore, I will be making an inspirational list of reasons not to Binge/Purge. Any ideas?
Here's some of mine:
-Binging makes you fat and purging makes you bloated.
-It's more gross a process than the making of cottage cheese. haha
-When you binge, you aren't solving ANYTHING!
-Same goes for when you purge!
-It makes you FAT!
-It shows weakness.
-It is shameful.
-You deserve better.

How was your guys' New Year's celebration?

Bree: Happy New Year! Thanks for following, I hope you don;t get fed up with me too quickly. haha ;)
I'm looking forward to getting to know you too!

I want my jeans to fit like that

I love this picture! 

I will look that tiny! Just wait until I'm liftable!




Let's live it up!


  1. Haha, yessss dear, I am following your blog! Third row in your followers list :)

    How can I not follow a fellow ATL fan?!

  2. When you purge you are actually doing a grea deal of harm to your body. harm that can affect you greatly later on in life. I love your blog by the way. it's simply wonderful.
    Your resolutions are so good, and I believe that you can reach them.

  3. Great resolutions! Glad I'm not alone........ :)
    And I am inspired by your no-bp list!

  4. if you're looking for some idea's to stop purging cruise over to my "purge prevention" page. may not help everyone but it has me some.
    good luck with your resolutions they're great.
    thanks for you encouragment on my fast, though i'm anything but strong. yes it's a liquid fast, though i only allow myself one sugar-free energy drink every morning, one tea or coffee through the day and really any amount of diet soda i want but i try not to go over board... lol

  5. I had a New Year's pigs-in-blanket pig-out as well. And instead of chocolate pretzels, it was the brownies I made... But I REFUSE to see it as a bad omen.

    I LOVE the new mini elliptical. It's awesome, and really light so you can carry it around the house and exercise wherever you want.


  6. I didn't really like prodigal summer. The one good book that kingsolver wrote (in my opinion) was the poisonwood bible.
